Health & Safety
Home Health & Safety

African Diatomite Industries Ltd is committed to providing and maintaining a Safe and Healthy working environment for its employees, visitors and all persons using the premises and Plant site as a place of work.

To ensure a Safe and Healthy work environment, ADIL has developed and maintained a Health and Safety Management System to;

  • Set Health and Safety objectives and performance criteria for all African Diatomite Industries Ltd employees and work areas.

  • Annually review Health and Safety objectives employee’s performance towards achieving Health and Safety objectives.

  • Actively encourage the accurate and timely reporting and recording of all incidents and injuries.

  • Investigate all reported incidents and to ensure all contributing factors are identified and, where appropriate, plans are formulated to take corrective action.

  • Actively encourage the early reporting of any pain or discomfort that could affect work related activities.

  • African Diatomite Industries Ltd employees and work areas. Provide a treatment and rehabilitation plan that ensures a safe, early and durable return to work.

  • Identify all existing and new hazards and take all practicable steps to eliminate, isolate or minimise the exposure to any hazards deemed to be significant.

  • Ensure that all employees are made aware of the hazards in their work areas and are adequately trained to enable them to perform their duties in a safe manner.

  • Promote a system of continuous improvement, including the annual review of policies and procedures.

  • Meet African Diatomite Industries Ltd.’s obligations under local Health and Safety acts, Codes of Practice, and any relevant Standards or Guidelines.

The Health and Safety Committee established is responsible for the implementation, monitoring, review and planning of Health and Safety policies, systems and practices at the company